Offshore WiFi Systems
Keep your crew in touch with home, with a robust WiFi solution to cover your platform or ship. One of the key benefits from installing a WiFi system on your boat or platform is to keep your crew in contact with the outside world and enhance their morale while working away. We have WiFi installations on Oil Rigs, shipping vessels and cruise liners that are robust enough to manage the numbers of users without compromise. With access points placed strategically around your vessel, we can ensure all your crew can benefit and, what’s more, the network is built with redundancy in mind to avoid any downtime, and we support and maintain the system remotely so you don’t need to worry about ongoing issues that may occur with crew access.

Reliable, uninterrupted high-speed connectivity to Internet, voice, text, and data
Various commercial options, including revenue share
Cruise ships can offer free or paid WiFi – or a combination of both
Improve customer satisfaction with access to live sports, movies, and other online applications
Enhance the wellbeing of your passengers and crew, allowing them to stay in touch while away from home
Monitors and manages users to ensure a strong and fast connection to your Internet
Secure and legally compliant – managing risk to your organisation from improper use by guests
Built-in redundancy to ensure network uptime
Robust infrastructure with access points to cover the entire platform or vessel
Complete support from our remote help-desk – 24/7/365.
We also work with IT support companies with a white-labelled solution