
About our Portal

Gain valuable insight into your customer base with Portal. You’ll be able to use your Public WiFi Hotspot as a marketing platform by tracking new and returning visitors to your venue – and by using our integrated features, you can unlock your marketing potential right from day one with our top-level analytics dashboard and additional features.

Vital WiFi | Products


  • Understand who your customers are and what they like

  • Increase your social reach between like-minded people

  • Automatically email customers with relevant offers

  • Segment your database and send marketing messages

  • Stay in touch across the social networks your customers use

  • A like/follow in exchange for free WiFi

Advanced Marketing

Marketing has changed. Your customers are only interested in things that matter to them. So, what if you could understand more about the people who visit your business?

Segmented information, such as the age, gender, and social interests of your audience will enable you not only to understand more about who your current service offering appeals, to but also create targeted sales promotions that align with your different groups of customers.

Imagine being able to message women, of a certain age range, one relevant promotion; and send the men another. Your targeted marketing campaigns should offer relevance to your audience base – and that’s what we’re here to help you do.

Better Understanding

The Vital WiFi solution offers you the chance to collect more data about the people who visit your venue, including how many times they visit. This is collected in a compliant way, with users opting-in, all in real-time.

Your portal will give you valuable insights about what your customers do whilst they’re with you, such as what devices they use, their gender and information about how long they’re online for.

Vital WiFi | Better Communication

Better Communication

Send emails, text messages and social media marketing messages to the people that connect to your WiFi with special offers, loyalty discounts, last-minute deals… The choice is yours. You can even ask them to Like, Share or Tweet your promotions.

You can run e-mail marketing campaigns directly from the Vital WiFi portal or if you prefer you can integrate your portal directly into your MailChimp or Campaign Monitor account.

Vital WiFi | Legally Compliant

Legally Compliant

There are various requirements you need to meet when providing public WiFi and this is an essential aspect of WiFi provision.

By using the Vital WiFi system, you can be assured that you meet all these requirements. It will cover you on requirements such as data retention, copyright infringement and illegal online activity, and we’ll even manage your law enforcement requests for information.

Use Portal Together with our Services